
2702, 2023

How to Write an Obituary for a Funeral

February 27th, 2023|

An obituary is not a legal document, and it’s not required. However, taking the time to write an obituary for your loved one is a lovely way to honor the deceased. Besides recording the important details of your loved one’s life, it allows you to share the memorial service details

1002, 2023

Cremation Glass: The Art of Transforming Ashes into Glass

February 10th, 2023|

How long have your loved one’s cremation ashes sat on a shelf in your closet? You aren’t alone. Many people struggle to decide what to do with their family members’ cremation ash. We want to teach you about one popular option: cremation glass. 

801, 2023

Give Back to Nature With a Cremation Tree Pod Burial

January 8th, 2023|

Many families struggle to know what to do with their loved ones’ (or pets’) cremated remains. If your loved one enjoyed the outdoors, consider planting a “cremation tree.” The difference between a memorial tree and a cremation tree is that with the latter, the family buries part or all of the

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